Heavy Vehicle Workshop Tyre jacking bay roof
Idemitsu - Boggabri Coal Operations
Services Provided
- Concept Design
- Brownfield 3d Digital Scan
- Structural Engineering
- Piping Engineering
- Detail Design & Drafting (including Fabrication drawings)
- Contractor construction support
Project Brief
Design a new roof over the existing Heavy Vehicle Tyre Jacking Bay at the end of the existing HV Workshop facility. The new roof fully covers the existing bay, while the soffit of the roof structure is 10m above the slab level to accommodate Ultra-Class mine trucks. The new roof scope included;
- New roof covering existing open slab area.
- Heavy Vehicle collision protection bollards
- New trafficable grated trench surrounding existing jacking slab draining back to existing drive-in sump.
- Bored pier construction for new column footings.
- Two new low roof structures each side of the end of the existing workshop, one for a dedicated tyre bay air compressor and the other to house miscellaneous workshop equipment.
Total new roof area approx. 900m2.
Click on images below to view some project photo's.
Develop concept and detailed engineering models and drawings
Structural Steelwork Erection
Purlins installed.
Structural Steelwork Erection
Roof sheeting installed.
Construction Complete